Monday, May 18, 2009

Cross Training (week 5)

A young man training to be an Olympic diver had been raised as an atheist. The only spiritual influence in his life came from a strong Christian friend. The young diver never acted like he paid more attention to his friend's conversations about Jesus, though he heard them often.

One night the diver went to the indoor pool at the university he attended. The lights were off, but the moon shining brightly thorugh the skylights allowed enough light to practice. He climbed to the highest diving board and walked to the edge. Turning his back to the pool and extending his arms outward, he was moved when he saw the shadow of his body on the wall in the shape of cross - the cross his friend had shared about so many times where Christ made the sacrifice for him. Recalling his friend's words, he knelt right there on that diving board and gave his life to Christ.

After praying, he stood. Just then a maintenance man walked in and flipped on the lights. The pool had been drained for repairs! Had he ignored the Spirit of God again, he would have dove to his death. His response to God saved his spiritual and physical death. Oftentimes it's not just your soul that is saved.

Read Corinthians 1:18.

In God's always-perfect timing, the young diver realized his need for a Saviour, and God's power was shown in an awesome way. Are you sure of your own salvation?

Have you been talking to and praying for a non-Christian? Let this story and ths verse encourage you to continue. Be obedient and God will be faithful.

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