Thursday, June 10, 2010

True Prayer

God commands us to pray. He commands to pray in public and in private. Prayer brings those who have the spirit of supplication into a wonderful communion and fellowship with God; therefore, God has ordained prayer as a means for us to grow in a personal relationship with Him.

When we pray often and actively, our prayers acquire great things from God, both for those for whom we pray as well as for ourselves. Prayer opens our heart to God. Our prayers are the means by which our souls, though empty, are filled by God to overflowing. In our prayers, we Christians can open our hearts to God as to a friend, and obtain a fresh confirmation of His friendship with us.

I might spend many words in distinguishing between public and private prayer. I might also distinguish between prayer in the heart and prayer that is spoken aloud. Something also might be said regarding the differences between the gifts and the graces of prayer. But I have chosen to make it my business to show you only the very heart of prayer, without which all your lifting up, both of hands and eyes and voices, will be to no purpose at all.

We must learn and apply what the Scriptures teach. Paul wrote and gave us an example, "I will pray with Spirit." Therefore, I will tell you: first, what true prayer is; second, what it is to pray with the Holy Spirit; third, what it is to pray with the Spirit and with the mind; and fourth, what are some uses and applications of what I have explained about prayer,

Prayer is a sincere, sensible, affectionate
pouring out of the heart or soul to God, through
Christ, in the strength and assistance of the Holy
Spirit, for such things as God has promised,
or according to the Word of God, for the good of
the Church, with submission in faith to the will of God.

This definition includes seven things which I must discuss in detail in the following pages. First, your prayers must be sincere. Second, your prayers must be sensible. Third, your prayers must be an affectionate pouring out of your soul to God the Father through Jesus Christ. Fourth, if you want your prayers to be effective, you must pray by the strength and assistance of the Holy Spirit. Fifth, for your prayers to be answered according to the will of God, you must pray for such things as God has promised, or according to His Word, the Bible. Sixth, your prayers should not be selfish, but should keep in view the good of the Church as well as others. Seventh, you should always pray in faith and with submission to the will of God.

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