Friday, April 10, 2009

Ivan's Blog

Good Friday

Well, I guess this is my 1st blog about myself. Just want to make this blog more interesting, not only weekly devotion & sharing. Correct me if my english is poor.

Just back from college hostel - extremely tired! Had a night stayed in my friend's house on Thursday for group study but guess that didn't help much. End up we just studied for 4 hours & 3 hours went for cc ==. Did not took our rest that night & struggling to force ourselves awake. Felt like a zombie crossing the street in the early morning - undying. Not even have strength to click & move my mouse when playing dota.

But miraculously I did studied that night =). With 3 of my friends in a table, we put all our mental & physical strength to prepare for our final exams. Somehow in nowhere, we started a topic of Christianity during our talk. So, 3 of them are non- believers & I am the only one who is a believer. 1 of them is interested to attend Church because he never went before but end up the other 2 influence his behaviour & decision. I learned a lot through their sharing and observation of Christianity. 1 of them had experience in attending church camp before but he extremely dislike the camp. Saying that is boring & so many rules & regulation for example - pray before u eat, pray everyday etc. Another said Christian psychos peoples behavior and mind. And they dislike Christians is because they are very pushy in forcing people to believe in Christ & pulling them to church like a direct selling or a salesperson. In addition, said Christian is proud with their knowledge & his religion. Then they started to cursed Christian with all sort of disrespectful statement about Christ. And my reaction was so speechless =x. But somehow they understand I'm not that kind of Christians which they told about. Though they dislike Christian but they keep me as their friend.

I asked another question : "Do you think that God exist?". One said : "No, humans are God." The second said : "I don't bother". & the other didn't said anything. And my reponse is if God is not exist, who would be the one who created the stars ,the nature & the universe? The creation had certain that God is exist since the beginning of the earth & man had no authority or power to do such things.

Unfortunately, they reject & prefer their of way of thinking. One of my friend stopped the conversation by saying : "this is complex, let's just put our forcus on our studies rather than religion". But they still keep on insult me with my religion because in their thought, I am very spiritual guy to them==. But praise Lord that I can shared with them & I learned :

1) We often only remember the bad / negative side of a person or particular thing instead of the good/postitive side of a person - this is human nature behavior which often leads us into misunderstanding.

2) If I'm not a Christian, will I become one of my friends too? so, let us be a great example of Christ. Although we are holding the truth but we should not uses force in preaching the Gospel. Did Christ force people to believe in Him? No, He preached to those who ask and seek for Him. If he/she does not believe, is fine but when they ask, we are responsible to answer.

Another day past, it reminds me of exams again =(

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