As a teengaer in western Canada, Terry Fox was active in athletics and well liked by his friends. But nobody ever dreamed that he would attract worldwide attention. It began when doctor discovered that terry had cancer. The prognosis was not good. One of his legs was amputated, but even this did not stop the spread of cancer through his body. Instead of giving up, Terry deermined to do something with his life. He decided to run across Canada from coast to coast, encouraging people to give money for cancer research. Terry pursued his goal with a single-minded passion.
Beginning at the Atlantic coast, his journey covered 3,300 miles in four-and-a-half months. Terry Fox never made it to the Pacific coast, but before he died he had raised 24 million dollars for cancer research from supporters all over the world.
Read Matthew 22 : 34 - 40
According to Jesus, what is the one thing you should pursue with single-mindedness ?
As a Christian, you must love God genuinely and act on that love. How much more could your world and eternity change if you would take up Jesus' call to make first things first? Today, make it your aim. Pray : "Lord, use these quiet moments to help me to know You better. Take first place in my heart. Give me a passion for You and a vision for people."
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